Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Thing 9 ~ Collaboration Tools

Google docs + Zoho are ways of sharing documents. As many people have pointed out in their Thing 9 blog entries, this is perfect for group projects. Attatchments always run the risk of being incompatible, which is possibly one of the most annoying things ever.

Because I'm a Googler and the Gmailer, the aesthetic of Google Docs looks "right" to me...and because I often fall for aesthetics vs. funtionality, my brain tells me Google docs is better. Going a little deeper, the Microsoft-y-ness of the drop-down menu in Google docs appeals to me, especially compared to the cluttered tool bars of Zoho. I do appreciate that I can log in with my Google account at Zoho, but I'm still more likely to use Google docs.

Historically speaking, our founding fathers NEEDED Google Docs because it was way harder for them to get together than it is for four college kids. That being said, our MCPL Declaration of Independence is evidence of the downside of total access to a document...that thing has quite an array of content!

In the MCPL committee world, either of these tools would be great for data compiling and idea sharing between meetings, way more functional than long strings of emails!

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